I want to open a startup

The first step in launching your startup in Denmark is to get your business plan approved by the Startup Denmark expert panel. There are several requirements for the application that you should read thoroughly before applying. Learn more about the required information and the evaluation criteria below.

Good to know before you apply 

The Startup Denmark program is for innovative and scalable startups with a clear potential for growth and entrepreneurs who and have a desire to begin their business adventure in Denmark. 

Read more about who is eligible to apply here

To get your application approved you need to fill out the application form, describe your business plan in detail and attach a video pitch. We recommend that you attach a pitch deck where you elaborate on your business plan. 

The applications are assessed by members of an independent expert panel. Assessments are based on four evaluation criteria.

The evaluation criteria are defined as follows: 

  1. How innovative is the business model? 
  2. How attractive is the market? 
  3. How scalable is the business model? 
  4. What competencies and resources does the team possess? 

Read more the four criterias in the FAQ

Each judge gives four grades from 1 to 5 based on each criterion.To receive an approval, you need at least 3.5 in average score for all four criteria.

The expert panel needs to have a clear idea of your business to make the best possible evaluation. 

Usually, applications are evaluated within three weeks of submission. To receive an approval, you need at least 3.5 in average score for all four criteria. You receive the outcome of the evaluation from the Startup Denmark Secretariat.

Video pitch:

  • The company’s position in the market 
  • Scaling potential 
  • Why the product or service is innovative 
  • Why you are competent to run the company.  

Pitch deck:

  • Market analysis 
  • Sales- or GTM-strategy 
  • Why Denmark? 
  • Activities in the start-up phase. 

All material must be in English. 

Maximum length requirements:  

Pitch deck: Word/PDF files: 10 pages. PowerPoint/images:15 pages. 

Video pitch: 5 minutes. 

The application 

When applying, you need to fill out an online form, in which you describe the startup you intend to launch in Denmark. To determine whether your business is suitable for Startup Denmark, we need to know what startup you intend to launch. Provide a brief presentation as well as some general information. Keep it short, clear, and precise. Why will your startup be successful in Denmark? 

Product or service presentation 

We need to know the development stage of the product you intend to base your startup on, whether it is a service, an app, a robotic arm or something completely different. Is it still just an idea, have you developed a prototype or are you already in the market? 

Resources and competences in the business 

Not only do you need to come up with a great business plan, but you must also be capable of running a successful branch in practice. It is therefore important that you show that you have the skills, competences and experiences needed to turn your branch into a viable venture. When applying, you will need to tell us about the people behind your business. Why can you or your team launch a successful branch in Denmark?  It would also be relevant to describe the revenue/accounting of the foreign company so that the expert panel can see whether it is a healthy company or not. 

Market analysis and a sales or go-to-market strategy 

In your application you need to show us your market analysis and describe your sales or go-to-market strategy. Overall, it may contain:  

  • Market definition: Which markets will be targeted to sell the product or service?  
  • Competitors: Who are the competitors in the market? 
  • Customers: Who is the target audience within these markets? 
  • Distribution model: How will the product or service be delivered to the customer? 
  • Price: How much should the product or service cost for each customer group? 
  • Marketing: How will you reach your target customers and create demand?  

Why Denmark? 

You must describe why you want to launch your startup in Denmark. It may be specific opportunities that Denmark can create for your company, that you have business relations in Denmark or something else that makes Denmark the right country for you. 

Activities in the start-up phase 

You must describe what activities you plan to carry out to establish your startup in Denmark. 

It is recommended that you also insert an overall budget for your initial activities. 

Video pitch 

You must attach a video of a maximum of 5 minutes.

The video pitch should not be a product presentation, a sales video or similar.

It must be a video in which you go into:

How innovative is the business model? Tell us what makes your product or service unique.

How scalable is the business model?

Describe how you can scale up your startup so that it can grow.

How attractive is the market? Explain the commercial potential.

What competencies and resources does the team possess? Tell us what makes you capable of running the branch.

Think of it as a short pitch. We do not expect you to have in-depth explanations.

The video must be in English. If you do not attach a video your application will not be evaluated. 


If you have documentation of patents, funding, written declaration of partnership(s) or other documentation relevant for your application, please include them in the pitch deck. 

Submit your application on Virk

Applications are screened to make sure they meet the formal requirements and then subsequently evaluated by an expert panel. 

If your application is screened out 

If your application is screened out, you will receive an email with an explanation. 

You have the opportunity to reapply to the Startup Denmark program.  

Any reapplication must be substantially improved from the previous application. 

If your application is rejected by the expert panel 

If your application has been rejected by the expert panel, you will receive an email with a written statement from the panel on all four evaluation criteria.  

You have the opportunity to reapply to the Startup Denmark program. Any reapplication must be substantially improved from the previous application. 

Alternatively, you may appeal the evaluation by the expert panel to the Danish Business Authority. Appeals are assessed by other members of the expert panel with no previous insight into your original application. Instructions on how to appeal will be provided by the Startup Denmark Secretariat.

Note that this is not an option if your business plan is screened out before evaluation.